Changes for 2023

SMLL has added a softball division and adopted 2 new ground rule changes for 2023:

  • All divisions have adopted a continuous batting order
  • Game Changer may be used by scorekeepers to keep game scores.

Please see Little League’s own 2023 rules and clarifications, too.

Softball at SMLL!

SMLL has chartered a softball Majors division, beginning with 9-12 year old girls. We hope to expand to further divisions next year.

Continuous batting order

As part of our league ground rules, we’ve adopted the continuous batting order option for all age divisions. What does that mean?

According to the Little League Baseball Rulebook:

4.04 - … A league may adopt a policy of a continuous batting order that will include all players on the team roster present for the game batting in order. If this option is adopted, each player would be required to bat in his/her respective spot in the batting order. However, a player may be entered and/or re-entered defensively in the game anytime provided he/she meets the requirements of mandatory play.

For the purpose of continuous batting order, all players listed in the batting order shall be considered starters.

So everybody bats their turn, in the order they’re set in the lineup, regardless of whether they’re playing in the field that inning. Please see the official rules for further details.


SMLL scorekeepers will be using GameChanger to keep score in 2023. Please reach out to Matt Troutner or one of the other league board members for more information.
